WWC Folkstyle Wrestling
Year-Round Wrestling
Folkstyle | Freestyle |Greco-Roman
The path to success
Beginning wrestlers in 1st to 5th grade must successfully complete the Passion First Wrestling Academy program before they are eligible to join our WWC Folkstyle program. Wrestlers who are new to the sport or have had limited success in previous competitions are strongly encouraged to enroll in the Passion First Wrestling Academy to build their foundational skills. The Director of Coaching at Wrestling With Character will ultimately make the final decisions regarding program placement, ensuring that each athlete is placed in the most suitable environment for their development and growth.
We believe that competition should be a fun and exciting experience for kids. Our focus during competitive experiences, whether positive or challenging, remains on the ongoing development of our athletes' positive personal character in pursuit of their wrestling goals.
We provide coaching for our athletes at a variety of competitions throughout the year.